Have you done things to your AC which you think would result to better performance but turned out to be the opposite? Below is a list of 5 most common mistakes you might be doing with your AC.
1. Hiding Your AC
No matter how big or small your unit is, you must not hide your air conditioner behind big plants and shrubs. They prevent ventilation, block condenser coils, and prevent better performance of your AC. Your air conditioners might not be pretty, but so does your electric bill. Better check on that!
2. Running Your AC All Day
It is exhausting to work all day; same thing goes with your air conditioning system. Knowing that your AC still works is not enough for you to think that it’s not wrong to use it all day round. If the weather permits, allow your AC for a rest to prevent overuse and maximize its life span. It’s also good to turn off the air conditioner for empty rooms of your house.
3. Ignoring Fans
Cooling your house is not just the responsibility of your AC system. Try taking advantage of your fans to lessen the work load of your air conditioner. The counter clockwise turning of the fan also helps in good distribution of cool air.
4. Not Having Curtains Or Blinds
Curtains or blinds can help trap sun’s rays and heat. Always make sure to have them so that your air conditioning system won’t do extra effort in cooling your home especially during summer season.
5. Not Trying DIY Fixes
Some people are too afraid to make DIY jobs for the maintenance of their HVAC units. There are tutorials on the internet on simple AC cleaning. But if you still doubt yourself, calling a professional technician would be of great help.
6. Positioning The AC Is In A Hot Spot
The positioning of your AC unit is also an important factor to consider. Some homeowners prefer their AC system to be installed in corners which are directly hit by the sun. It may look good but not on the part of your air conditioner because it will make it work too hard.
These are just some common mistakes homeowners would always do to their AC systems. Better familiarize yourself with them to avoid bigger bill expenses or worst, losing your air conditioning system.